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August 03, 2022


When you desire to unfold into a more authentic  version of yourself, you will come up against  programming or old beliefs that are not in alignment with who you are and what your expression is in this world today.    Brandy and The Fractal community will stand by you and empower the unwinding of these beliefs.   

When you desire to unfold into a more authentic  version of yourself, you will come up against  programming or old beliefs that are not in alignment with who you are and what your expression is in this world today.   

Brandy and The Fractal community will stand by you and empower the unwinding of these beliefs.   

The journey of individuation can feel lonely and long.  I'm glad you’ve found The Fractal, a place where you will be reminded of your magnificence even when you or the world around you cannot see it. 


This community provides a space to be .. a space to learn about your Human Design and other supporting modalities, we will discuss your real life experiences and you will receive strong Manifestor empowerment along the way. 

We work together to guide you back into yourself and teach you how to integrate your most true self into the life you live today.  

Dissolving maladaptive belief systems into wisdom. 

The Fractal is a community of support for Humans on a journey to individuation.  As a member of The Fractal you will receive a support and connection on your journey.